Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Pardon our Progress

I don't know why, but I decided I wanted to blog. When I was a kid I used to write in a journal every night, and though I enjoy writing now, it seems much easier to be able to express my thoughts on here.
I'm at a starting point in my life right now. I'm battling a mental issue, heading towards my career and working to lose weight and live my life healthily. I'm a different person today than I was three years ago, and I know I'll change in the future as well. Change is messy, isn't it? Sometimes its organized, sometimes its chaotic but progress-that is something different. Its a certain type of change. Progress to me is what you do with the change in your life. Am I using every opportunity to better myself and help those around me?
I've noticed signs that are hung up during construction lately. This construction usually isn't related to highways, its more like when they are remodeling the children's center at a church, or updating an art gallery at a museum, even building a new ride a Six Flags. They read "Pardon our progress". It's a witty statement. The sign makes you aware that whatever the present state of the construction looks like-the labor will not be in vain. Its going to be something great.

Pardon my progress.

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